The piQTL project

The protein-protein interaction-based QTL or piQTL project aims to understand how genetic variations across of a population of yeast inbreds could potentially influence the quantitative variation of the protein-protein complex formation.

How to use this genome browser

  1. Click on Add LD blocks, CUT, SUT and XUT annotations for loading the non-coding RNA annotations. Features are seen at the chromosome level.

  2. Choose your PPI of interest and your drug of interest from the choice boxes.

  3. Click on Add piQTL track (DRUG & MTX +) and Add piQTL track (noDRUG & MTX +) to load the piQTLs tracks from the PPI of interest and the drug of interest that you selected in 2.

  4. Write a gene name or its associated coordinates (Chr:Start-End) and click on the Search button to automatically zoom on that particular region of interest. At the chromosome level, clicking on a SNP will provide information on that SNP (ID, chromosome position, statistic values from the association test -effect size, standard error, p-value) Moreover, it is also providing the genome type location and if applicable, the name of that genomic feature.

Note¹: Repeating step 2 with other PPIs with or without other drug conditions will load the additional piQTL tracks in the browser.

Note²: Several options are available by clicking on the gear icon (modification of display option or deletion of track).

The graphs are interactive.